By Liv Dunleavy
Staff Writer
A harmonious new “Trolls” film has arrived with a bumping soundtrack and a story that incorporates the previous movies seamlessly. This third movie might just be my favorite of the three. With crazy animation styles, weird new species, and of course, incredible sound design, the movie doesn’t disappoint for even one second.
“Trolls Band Together” focuses on a long-lost family, and the challenges that come with bonding with, losing, and gaining important people in your life. It is revealed that Branch grew up as a part of a popular troll boy band called “BroZone,” and the members were all his older brothers.
As siblings do, they fight throughout the whole opening sequence, causing their big stage performance to go horribly wrong and the brothers end up going their separate ways, leaving baby Branch to fend for himself.
Now in the present, Branch is reminiscing about his boy band days, with a seemingly sour feeling toward his brothers and the way they departed. During a side-plot where Poppy’s best bergen friend Bridget is getting married to King Gristle, the processional is interrupted by a visitor looking for Branch in the crowd.
This turns out to be his eldest brother and problem leader of “BroZone,” John Dory, traveling around and attempting to collect all of the bros to find and save their brother Floyd from his evil diva capturers Velvet and Veneer, talentless teens who are using Floyd’s troll power to enhance their voices and dance skills in a ploy to become famous without working at all.
Velvet and Veneer are the newest “Trolls” villains, a new species called “Mount Rageons” who come from “Mount Rageous.” I loved their character design so much, their animation is lanky and long, and they’re shiny like plastic. “Mount Rageons” are all very futuristic, with the setting of “Mount Rageous” overlaid with floating text relating to music and fame.
Another awesome character and set design I appreciated was “Vacay Island.” The Muppet-looking characters called “Vacaytioners” who lived on this island were so interesting to look at. With fuzzy textures and yarn hair, I could imagine what they felt like just by looking at them.
Their island and beach design was so satisfying, with the water made out of what looked like 3D animated water beads. Every time someone sloshed around in that blue beady water I wanted to reach out and run my hands through it.
The “Trolls” franchise has never once disappointed with their soundtracks, but I think this one takes the cake. These songs are ridiculously catchy and of course the main draw is the funky boy band-esque tracks.
The main track “Better Place” is the song I’ve been missing in my life. If you haven't heard it and you're even a smidge into early ’90s boy bands, immediately go to your preferred music streaming site, put it on, and revel in this catchy, melodious, and danceable song! I’ve been shimmying and swaying to this song all day. Even when I’m not listening to it, I’m singing it in my head.
I’d have to say beside the absolutely insane soundtrack, my favorite part of the movie is the never-ending boy band puns. Honestly, I’m surprised they were able to fit that many without it becoming unbearable, but every single time I burst out laughing!
“Trolls Band Together” is blinged out with the star studded cast of my dreams, of course with Justin Timberlake and Anna Kendrick returning as Branch and Poppy. The members of hit troll boy band “BroZone” include Floyd (Troye Sivan), John Dory (Eric André), Clay (Kid Cudi), and Spruce (Daveed Diggs), and our lovely Bitty B/Branch (JT).
Other celebrity cast members include Camila Cabello as Poppy’s sister Viva, Amy Schumer as Velvet, and Andrew Rannells as Veneer.
Viewers will also be surprised by a cameo at the end from a boy band with a new release made special for this movie.
This is a highly recommendable movie, though if you haven’t seen the first two “Trolls” films you might not understand a lot of references. Luckily those two are just as great as this film and just as fun of a watch!
Rating: A+
A “fantastimazing” and “fantastimawesome” film!