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SGA swears in eight new senate members

Lindsay Nixon

By Lindsay Nixon

Eight new members were sworn into senate for the 2017-18 year, during the SGA weekly meeting on Tuesday, April 25.

President Ezequiel De Leon said he was excited to see so many new faces becoming a part of SGA.

During the open forum senators raised the issue of lighting outside the library.

Senator Molly Fennessey said she “noticed a lot of the lights weren’t very bright,” which caused her to feel unsafe on her walk home.

Fennessey suggested lights should be brighter coming to and from the library.

Maddie Alper, class and club treasurer, expressed concern about the RamTram.

“Last Tuesday night, I was coming back from an internship, and I called the RamTram to pick me up at 11 p.m. and it didn’t get there until 11:25 p.m.,” said Alper. She also said two other students called to get picked up at the same time, and the RamTram did not come any quicker.

Alper does not think students should have to wait 25 minutes, in the middle of Framingham late at night, for the RamTram. “I feel that they are very unsupervised and student-run, and that they don’t care when students call when they need them.”

SGA also entertained four different club funding requests for the 2017-18 school year.

The Community Service Club was granted $687.50 to participate in the Diabetes Walk Fundraiser in Boston in October.

The current treasurer of the club, Kyle Hurley, said, “[The walk] has been a success for the club in the past. It is a very energetic environment.”

Next, Equestrian Club requested $812.81 to buy Equestrian Club beanie hats to hand out at their upcoming trail rides, Accepted Student’s Day and other on-campus events.

The club was granted the full amount.

Wildlife Club was allocated $2,475 for their annual apple picking trip to Honey Pot Hill Orchards. Some members of the senate attended this event last fall, and their only concern was making sure that this would take place during the peak of apple-picking season.

Julia Barrone, treasurer of the Wildlife Club, assured senators that it would be a weekend in September when all apples should be in season.

The last club to request money was the newly created Golf Club, founded by president John DePeron. The club was allocated $3,520 to create a weekly golf trip for the months of September and October.

DePeron explained he wanted to start this club to “allow students to golf at least once a week, at a non-competitive level.”

After the funding requests, Erin Dempsey, vice president, and Sarah Horwitz, student activities

treasurer, reviewed final changes to the 2017-18 SGA Constitution.

De Leon ended the meeting by thanking everyone who ran for senate positions for the upcoming year.

“I’m really proud of everyone who ran,” said De Leon. “For those of you who ran and lost, it takes a lot to put yourself out there. For those of you who were elected to the positions. ... Take it and run with it.”

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