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SGA focuses on parliamentary procedure

Thom Duda

Thom Duda

SGA held a “mock funding request exercise,” led by SGA Parliamentarian Olivia Beverlie at its meeting Tuesday, Sept. 25.

The exercise was held in place of club constitution hearings for Medical Awareness Club and IGNITE, which were postponed until next week due to scheduling conflicts.

She emphasized the importance of ensuring the SATF, comprised of the $70 student activities fee all students pay upon enrollment, is allocated efficiently and responsibly.

Beverlie explained the importance of Robert’s Rules of Order, a system used to regulate discussion during public meetings.

“It’s consistent, it’s professional, and it ensures that all senate members get equal opportunities to share their opinions and they all get equal opportunity to participate,” Beverlie said.

After the explanation, Beverlie began the mock funding request. SGA president Ben Carrington played the role of the president of the Harry Potter Club and requested $5,855 in funding for a big event in DPAC for his club’s debut.

Carrington’s mock proposal included quotes for food, the license to show “Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire,” and merchandising for the club, which included Harry Potter Nimbus broomsticks and T-shirts.

During the mock funding exercise, SGA members asked Carrington for information that would be typical of a normal funding request – such as if the club had already met with SILD administrators and where they had obtained quotes for items.

Throughout the event, Beverlie offered feedback to senate members, particularly regarding asking for line items.

“Don’t be afraid to bring up that concern,” Beverlie said. “If you think that a club is asking for way too much money for something, you can ask them a question about, ‘Where did they get the quote from? ’But you can never ask, ‘Oh, why did you think it was OK to ask for this money?’ Don’t say it like that – that is not OK. They obviously put work into this.”

SGA voted not to approve the mock request, ending the exercise.

Carrington announced that Ralph Eddy, director of Dining Services, would be coming in two weeks to discuss developments within Dining Services and provide updates regarding the Dunkin’ Donuts construction.

Carrington said he plans to meet with Facilities regarding lighting concerns previously brought up in open forum, particularly in the Dining Hall annex in McCarthy.

Carrington added SGA’s Vegas-themed Homecoming event would take place Oct. 10 from 4:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the SGA office and would include karaoke.

In the Vice President’s Report, Alex Backer said, “We want to be involved on this campus.” He called upon SGA members to sign up for committees other than Finance Committee.

Secretary Erin Johnson joined the call for members to sign up in other committees. “We’re really trying to stress this year that we’re not a bank.”

SATF Treasurer Driana Lebron talked about Fincom’s meeting on Monday, where SGA allocated $228.99 to itself, as well as an allocation of $204.49 to Pride Alliance for its “Coming Out Day.”

English professor Lisa Eck came in to give a brief presentation on the Arts & Ideas program.

“Our focus has really been to bring art forms we don’t consume as much in popular culture,” said Eck, also the chair of the program.

After the meeting, Carrington expressed his hopes for SGA this coming year.

“My whole goal right now is the branding of the SGA. I want us to be out there, visible, and talking with students,” Carrington said. “I want to know what their concerns are ... maybe look into doing more town hall-style open forums, so its not just during our meetings.

“We have so many different ideas and that’s what I want. SGA should be back in the hands of the students.”

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