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SGA discusses Wi-Fi problems

Kayllan Olicio

By Kayllan Olicio

Students voiced concerns about the University’s Wi-Fi at the SGA meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 14.

During the open forum, several senators expressed concerns about the Wi-Fi on campus. Senator Steven Demeo said, “I think the Wi-Fi has gotten even worse. It has not improved at all. ... I think it’s ridiculous. We literally can’t get anything done. So, I wanted to see if there is anything else that can be do to get that fixed.”

Demeo added he has spoken to student who have had IT workers come to their dorms in an attempt to fix their Wi-Fi. “The IT people ... basically looked at the room and said, ‘Oh yeah, the Wi-Fi is bad,’ and didn’t do anything and walked out of their room. So, I think it goes to show that they aren’t doing anything.”

Senator Fallon Soye said IT has come to West Hall on several occasions. “They come during the day, which is super inconvenient, because the Wi-Fi is OK during the day. The problem has been between 8 and 11 p.m. ... I feel like IT should come during those times just to see the problem.”

Soye also expressed concerns about the library being closed Monday, Feb. 13 until classes began at 4:30 p.m. due to the snow day. She said “So many people walked to the library and came back because online it said they were still open. So, it’s great if something could be done for future snow days.”

The Mixed Martial Arts Club was allocated $1,280 for their practice and administered instruction.

The Comic Book Club was allocated $1,625.50 for their SuperMegaFest Comic Con trip.

The Dental Club was allocated $865 for T-shirts with their logo and $510 for toothbrushes.

The Wildlife Club was allocated $1,043.66 for their trip to the Wildlife Society Student Conclave and $1,212.05 was allocated for their trip to the New England Aquarium.

The Gaming Club was allocated $2,000 for their murder mystery dinner.

Equestrian Club funding request of $534.46 for knit pom beanies was denied. The club was allocated $145.80 for promotional pens.

M.I.S.S was allocated $300 for their West African dance workshop.

LUNA was allocated $1,400 for their Carnival event, $834.59 for their T-shirt event, $2,750 for their promotional items pending they change the date of their event to one that isn’t Accepted Students’ Day and $1,522.16 was allocated for their trip to the National Dominican Student Conference.

Senator Bridget Green was sworn in as SGA Secretary.

Senate Chair Jack Capello presented the U-Rock award to senator Mike O’Brien.

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