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SGA approves new funding request and recognizes “most spirited” member

Andrea O'Brien

Adam Levine / The Gatepost Archives

By Andrea O’Brien

Staff Writer

SGA approved a funding request for the Outing Club and provided updates on broken washing machines in residence halls at its Nov. 7 meeting.

The meeting began with Open Forum, at which Senator Brad Collard discussed an elevator in West Hall that is out of service.

Collard said he reached out to Executive Director of Facilities Dan Giard, who said they are

waiting on parts and are aware of the issue.

Aimee Takoud, Student Activities Trust Fund (SATF) treasurer, introduced Ellie Lynch, vice

president of Outing Club, who put in a funding request on behalf of the club for their rock-

climbing budget.

Lynch said the club tries to go rock-climbing at Central Rock Gym in Worcester at least once a week.

Outing Club requested $3,000 more for their rock-climbing budget, according to Lynch.

“This is just so we’re not asking week after week. We’ll have more breathing room to do more

activities come the spring. We want to do camping trips, kayaking, and just sort of expand,” said Lynch.

Students who attend the rock-climbing trips pay no money out of pocket and are not required to have a membership to Central Rock Gym, according to Outing Club Activities Chair Oliver


Trips are fully funded through the club and transportation is provided, Swanson added.

Vice President Raffi Elkhoury said he thinks this is a really good use of student funds.

“This is a club that’s doing a ton of work. They put on a lot of events. They’ve had a 117%

member increase over the past year and I believe their funding should reflect that,” said Elkhoury.

The motion to approve the funding request passed.

During the president’s report, Evelyn Campbell provided an update on broken washing machines in various residence halls that was brought up at the Oct. 24 meeting.

Campbell said Glenn Cochran, associate dean of students and director of Residence Life and

Housing, updated her, saying from Dec. 5 to 7, all washing machines on campus will be replaced.

“Right now, he says they are unable to go into the system and see which laundry machines are broken or need repairs, so if you notice that your laundry machine is not working anymore, report that directly to your RA or residence director, so that way, they can send out a maintenance request,” said Campbell.

Student Trustee Ryan Mikelis said the Town Hall, previously Administrators’ Forum, is on Nov. 14 at 6:30 p.m. in the McCarthy Forum is a required event for SGA members to attend. He encouraged them to invite friends as well.

“This is a place to professionally discuss your concerns that you have about campus to

administrators. We’re one of the few schools that has this opportunity so it’s really important that we have student representatives there,” said Mikelis.

Senator Tony Sims reported he emailed Mike Newmark, the acting general manager of Dining

Services, regarding a request to have straws available to students in the dining hall as they’re

available at Ram’s Den Grille, Sandella’s, and Red Barn Café.

“It’s something that I’ve been vying for for a while now,” said Sims.

Diversity and Inclusion Officer Ellen Lopes said she had a meeting with J.U.I.C.E. (Justice,

Unity, Inclusion, Community, Equity) and they are in the process of becoming an official

community group on campus.

During the advisor’s report, Meghan Larkin announced three new clubs have been reinstated

– Disability Advocate Network for Students, Marketing Club, and Food Science Club.

Larkin also said she put in a reservation to increase the number of chairs for the meetings

because the turnout is “continuing to grow.”

She added she is “super impressed and super excited about it.”

“Hopefully, by our next meeting two weeks from today, we’ll have up to 35 chairs and longer

table space. We may be reworking designs just to fit the chairs,” said Larkin.

Outreach and Events Coordinator Liv West announced recognition for “most spirited” senator

would be given out for the first time at the meeting and then at every meeting moving forward.

Elkhoury was named “most spirited.”

West also announced SGA will be hosting a table at the Rams Resource Center’s Fall

Philanthropy Festival from 1-6 p.m. on Nov. 15 in the McCarthy Center.

“We are going to be making blankets that are going to be donated,” said West.

Larkin announced Takoud as eBoard Member of the Month and Senator Raena Doty as

Senator of the Month.

Senator Jeremy McDonald presented the “U-Rock” to Takoud because “they are doing a great job and they do a lot of work that goes without credit.”

[Editor’s Note: Raena Doty is an Arts & Features Editor for The Gatepost.]

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