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SGA approves funds for Equestrian and English clubs

Jon Lee

Jon Lee

During SGA’s Oct. 16 meeting, student senators approved funding requests for the Equestrian and English clubs and welcomed a new senator.

During Open Forum, Senator Jake Maradian asked if anything could be done to extend the gym’s operating hours. “It should not close at six o’ clock.”

President Ben Carrington said he would be meeting with Thomas Kelley, director of athletics, during the week to discuss the gym’s hours, as well as issues with gym ventilation and equipment.

Senator Danielle Shaw said West Hall had no heat and her room was “30 degrees. We’ve all gotten sick, and I think that’s just ridiculous. I would have lived at home.”

Later in the meeting, SGA allocated $660 to the Equestrian Club to attend an upcoming “equine fair.” Club President Matthew Banks said, “We can do a lot of horse-riding demonstrations and horse-care demonstrations.”

Funds will be used for transportation to the event, as well as food and snacks.

SGA also allocated $2,052.20 to the English Club for their “Harry Potter Trivia Night.” There will be a master of ceremonies organizing the event and free pizza and T-shirts.

Senator Adam Scanlon motioned to approve a lesser sum of $917.20 “due to the removal of $1,035 for T-shirts.”

Parliamentarian Olivia Beverlie said, “I don’t think it’s the right move to not allocate them any money for T-shirts. ... I would understand it if this was a club that always asks for T-shirts, but they are a club we rarely see here at senate.”

The motion failed without support from other senators and SGA allocated the original figure of


In his weekly President’s Report, Carrington drew attention to the recent scam in which students received fraudulent emails about employment opportunities from hacked student accounts. He encouraged students who “have been in contact with them” to talk to IT and students who “cashed the check, or gave any personal information, such as your social security number” to talk to Campus Police.

With the midterm election coming up this November, several senators exhorted everyone in the room to register to vote, especially those from out of state.

Beverlie said, “Make sure you register for an absentee ballot, people! It’s wicked easy. All you have to do is go to your town’s website and the form should be right there.”

Class and Club Treasurer Allie Flood said SGA will hold a Halloween fundraiser on Oct. 26 from 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Campus Police donated a parking spot for the week of Nov. 25 – Dec. 1, which SGA plans to give to the winner of a raffle in the second or third week of November, said Flood.

Beverlie said SGA must always strive to maintain a professional attitude and work ethic, particularly when hearing club proposals.

“Have your stuff ready. ... No side conversations. ... Just keep that in mind because clubs do see it and even if you’re not talking bad about them, that’s maybe what they think. Other senators see it. It’s just not professional and it can wait until after senate,” said Beverlie.

Matt O’Sullivan, social events coordinator, reminded all student representatives to RSVP for the upcoming SGA retreat.

Noelle Mellouk recited the SGA oath and was sworn in for her _rst meeting as a student representative.

SGA Advisor David Smailes said, “I know it felt kind of clunky tonight, with parliamentary procedure, but really, learning parliamentary procedure is a great thing. You’re going to use it a lot in your life – I guarantee it. Every organization you’re going to be involved with professionally is going to use parliamentary procedures.”

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