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SGA addresses Sodexo’s “disrespect”

Jesse Sannicandro

By Jesse Sannicandro

Students discussed concerns about Sodexo and the University’s public perception following Marathon Monday at the SGA meeting on Tuesday, April 18.

During open forum, Senator Mike O’Brien said Sodexo workers at Sandella’s gave him “a lot of attitude” when he asked for a sugar packet for coffee, adding that it was “pretty brutal.”

O’Brien said students spend a lot of money at Sodexo and that it essentially has a “monopoly” on campus.

“The amount of money that we spend and the amount of customer service we receive is inadequate,” O’Brien said.

“Whoever’s on the committee to renegotiate the contract for Sodexo should seriously consider what just happened today, not only to me, but to students all across campus who have to deal with this problem every single day,” he added.

Senator Hailey Small also had complaints about Sodexo.

Small said there was a packet Sodexo put out that “said some kind of disrespectful things about the students here.

“They compared our attention span to that of a goldfish – they said it was actually lower than that. They said that we can only communicate with pictures and emoticons, and they said we don’t know how to look at resources and information critically,” she said.

Small said as someone who is paying for a meal plan and is part of clubs that fund Sodexo, she “felt really disrespected by that.”

She added if “this is how they’re looking at us, this isn’t really who I want at my institution serving me then.”

Senator Ben Carrington said he “strongly agreed” with the sentiments expressed. He added Sodexo does not listen to suggestions from students, citing an online poll that said students don’t want bacon in desserts.

“I think that they act as if they ... want our input, but [are] just not really listening. ... They lack

communication,” he said.

Also during open forum, Senator Adam Scanlon expressed concerns about the public perception of the University following Marathon Monday.

He said since students left trash behind after their celebrations, the University’s image was negatively affected.

He suggested SGA play a bigger part in the celebration next year and encouraged a volunteer cleanup crew to create public goodwill.

“It would really highlight the character of our University,” Scanlon said.

Senator Seth Signa agreed, adding, “Trash was all over the place.” He suggested recycling bins be set up along the route to minimize trash.

Student Trustee Karl Bryan said this would be unlikely, since it could be a security risk in the wake of the 2013 Boston Marathon bombings.

Signa understood this point, but reiterated, “It was a mess.”

During his President’s Report, Ezequiel De Leon said during his meeting with Melinda Stoops, dean of students, they discussed how to approach Marathon Monday next year.

Some ideas they discussed were opening the cafe before and after the event and a cleanup crew for afterwards. Every single member of SGA who does not have senior status was interested.

Senator Steve DeMeo, once again, asked for a new basketball hoop behind North Hall.

The Hilltop Players were approved to reallocate $2,234 to their Spring Headliner Show, “Beauty and the Beast,” for costumes.

The Wildlife Club gave a presentation on its recent trip to the Northeast Conclave.

SGA discussed upcoming changes to its Constitution and bylaws, which will be voted upon during it’s meeting on Tuesday, April 25.

Senator Allie Carroll was awarded senator of the month, and Secretary Bridget Green was voted e-Board member of the month.

Senator Carrington gave the U-Rock to Senator Matt Helwig for being an excellent new member of the senate.

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