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SGA addresses gym hours and RamTram stops

Lindsay Nixon

By Lindsay Nixon

SGA discussed current gym hours at its meeting on Feb. 7, 2017.

Senator Cassandra Tedeschi suggested extending gym hours on weekends. “More people are staying on the weekends. The gym closing on Friday at 7 p.m. is very inconvenient,” she said.

Senator Steven DeMeo also asked if there was any way to extend the gym hours until 11 p.m. on weeknights. “I really think people would use it until then,” he said.

He said it would also add more hours for the student workers.

As the open forum continued, Senator Mike O’Brien brought up student concerns about RamTram stops. “It’s getting really cold outside, and a lot of people have to sit there and wait,” he said.

He suggested sealing o& the bus stop waiting areas.

Also at the meeting, the MMA and Comic Book clubs were scheduled for funding requests, but both meetings were rescheduled to next week due to lack of attendance by the clubs.

Mikayla Quinlan, social events chair, discussed new updates from the Academic Policies Committee. She said the school has decided to push the withdrawal date from nine weeks to ten weeks due to federal financial aid laws.

She added starting in the next academic year, the school has decided to give students a “reading day” before finals, which allows students more time to study for exams.

SGA President Ezequiel De Leon, explained what was said at the Department of Higher Education meeting last Friday. He said there were discussions about threats toward immigrant students, including the travel ban and DACA.

He added there was also a discussion about funding and budget cuts for sanctuary cities, including Framingham.

Senate Chair Jack Capello announced that SGA is looking for volunteer opportunities to start in early March. He listed some possibilities, including working with the YMCA or local retirement homes.

SGA voted Steven DeMeo as the senator of the month.

Student activities trust fund treasurer, Sarah Horwitz, nominated DeMeo, and said, “He’s doing incredible. He’s always so active and always has input for everything.”

Senator Bridget Green presented the U-Rock award to Capello.

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