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Senior Letters 2023

Writer's picture: The GatepostThe Gatepost

Here it is. The final issue of my Gatepost career.

I have worked 96 of these issues, only missing one meeting my freshman year because I had the flu.

And for the record - I still published an article that week.

The Gatepost has been such a major part of my life these past four years. It hasn’t been the easiest job, but I cannot imagine spending my Thursday nights anywhere but within the four walls of McCarthy 410.

I can still remember the excitement of getting my first byline, seeing my first published photo, and receiving my first promotion.

However, this issue has brought me many of my lasts - the last photo spread I will ever make, the last FSU interview I will ever conduct, and the last night I will spend with my favorite people cracking jokes through the night until we somehow produce an entire newspaper.

Though it is sad to say goodbye, I know I am ready to take the next big step in my life.

These last four years on The Gatepost have taught me so much for my future. I will forever be grateful for the amazing mentorship and endless support I received from Gatepost Advisor Desmond McCarthy and Assistant Advisor Liz Banks.

Though I am graduating with a bachelor’s in English, I never intended to study English. However, I have had such an amazing academic experience analyzing literature with some of the best professors on this campus.

I will forever be proud of the work I completed for my degree.

I am also grateful to have had the opportunity to explore other academic areas during my time at Framingham State, including my Chinese minor with the incredible Fei Yu 老师 (谢谢 !) as well as my political science minor, which I have to thank the amazing Dr. David Smailes for inspiring me to pursue.

I hope to continue exploring various subject areas and keep learning new concepts and ideas through my work as a journalist.

You have all molded me into the critical thinker I am today.

So long, FSU!

Yours truly,

Leighah Beausoleil



During my first week at FSU back in September 2019, I told myself I had one goal - to leave

FSU a better place than how I found it.

And after four years of hard work, I have accomplished that thanks to the help of some of the

most amazing people I have ever met.

To SGA: Thank you for providing me with the space to advocate for students. I have loved every

minute of being a senator, the president, and student trustee. Just remember there is no FSU,

without students.

To Liz and Desmond and the rest of Gatepost: Thank you for convincing me to join The

Gatepost, pushing me to be my best every week, and for the opportunity to see my work

published. I came for the ice cream but stayed because of all of you.

To my avid readers: Thank you for reading my op/eds over these past four years. It has been an honor to write for all of you!

To my English and history professors: Thank you for continuing to push me to be the best writer

I can possibly be. Thank you for your guidance and endless support. I wouldn’t be graduating

without each and every single one of you.

To Dr. Bollettino and Dr. Adelman: Thank you for being wonderful mentors who have guided

and inspired me since my freshman year. I have become a better historian due to your support

through my historical research and writing. Thank you for always allowing me to follow my

passions and cheering me on along the way.

To Ben Trapanick, Sara Gallegos, David Baldwin, Meg Nowak Borrego, Lorretta Holloway, and Gina Pacitto: Thank you for believing in my abilities and pushing me toward greatness. I am a better leader because of all of you.

To the administration: Thank you for allowing my voice to be heard even when I am the only student in the room. I appreciate your guidance and the knowledge you have given me over these four years.

To Charlie: Thank you for not only being my best friend but my biggest supporter. I always

know I have you cheering me on. I love you.

And last but not certainly least, to FSU: Thank you for giving me a home when I needed it the


Yielding the floor for one final time,



Dear Framingham State University,

I would like to extend my thanks to you for giving me the courage to step up and take on a plethora of roles that have shaped the person I have become.

To the Student Government Association, many thanks to you for giving me the courage to learn more about myself as a leader and providing opportunities for me to enable my growth as a person. Thank you, SGA, for accepting me as one of your senators and as your secretary. I have learned a lot from both of these positions. They were fantastic opportunities to connect with students, faculty, and administration as well as having an impact.

Thank you, Student Advisory Council, for giving me the opportunity to be a part of your prestigious organization, where I was able to make changes that I never imagined I was ever able to do in my lifetime with the best coworkers I could ask for.

Thank you, Gatepost, for giving me a chance to use the skills in writing that I knew and bestow upon me so many opportunities to flourish.

I would like to put forth thanks to SILD, the ELP, the Danforth Art Museum & School, as well as Dr. David Smailes, for allowing me to work for you and supplying me with an immense set of skills that I can apply to my work after my undergraduate studies and graduate school.

I would like to say that to the people I have met while here at FSU, whether it was good or bad, I request that y’all find successes of your own and be proud of those successes as I am proud of my own. Be proud of yourselves for coming this far. To those who come after me, I wish you well with your futures and best of luck to wherever your paths take you.

Cordially yours,

Mark A. Haskell


August 2019.

I was feeling so conflicted about coming to Framingham State. The following years would be filled with so much growth, pain, euphoria, anxiety, and uncertainty. I am grateful for it all, as it has led me to where I am now. And I am really happy.

Wrapping up my time as an undergrad has left me with so many bittersweet emotions and a few people I would like to thank for the last few years.

Thank you, Mom. I do not thank you enough. Thank you for your advice, whether I take it or not. I should not be shocked when you are inevitably right in the end. I do not always ask for advice - I am happy you offer it anyways. I am so lucky to have you. Love you more.

Thank you, Dad. From helping me navigate my education, professional life, my friendships, and the unexpected health challenges that arose throughout my time at FSU. Thank you for never letting me throw in the towel. I would not be graduating if it was not for your endless support and encouragement.

Thank you, Pam. Thank you for the opportunity to work in a wellness space. Thank you for helping save lives through your tireless efforts during COVID-19 testing. Thank you for all the students you have helped by providing sexual health information and supplies to. Thank you for helping save lives through your help and advocacy towards mental health and suicide prevention. I want to thank all the SEALS for being the most supportive group of friends I could have asked for. And thank you Pam for bringing us together. I cannot sum up in a mere note the astronomical impact Pam has made on Framingham State and on myself personally. I knew I had a resource on campus I could reach out to in total confidence and receive feedback with no judgment. If I ever win an Oscar, Nobel Prize, or Pulitzer, Pam is getting a shoutout.

There are so many more people who have made my college experience what it was. Julie has helped me try to navigate my newfound freedom and adulthood. Claire knew I was having a hard time even if I would not admit it. John and Brendan always had a second home for me. Mikayla was by my side for it all. I am so grateful.


Maeve Walsh

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