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Journalists - our call to action is now

Dylan Pichnarcik

A headless figure in a press vest typing on a typewriter.

By Dylan Pichnarcik Editorial Staff On Nov. 3, Donald Trump held a rally in Lititz, Pennsylvania. Between his usual fanaticism, Trump remarked about the bullet-proof glass that surrounded him in light of the attempt on his life on July 13, according to an article published by the American Broadcasting Company (ABC). At the rally he said, “I have a piece of glass over here, and I don't have a piece of glass there. And I have this piece of glass here, but all we have really over here is the fake news. “And to get me, somebody would have to shoot through the fake news. And I don't mind that so much.” Additionally, throughout the rally Trump referred to the media multiple times as “bloodsuckers,” according to an article by ABC. The soon-to-be leader of the free world called for members of the independent press to be shot. And we elected him President. These men and women serve as a small part of a pillar that keeps our nation free. They are the gatekeepers of the government. The press and the executive branch of government have long been at odds with each other. Even President Biden’s current White House Press Secretary often makes snide remarks to reporters in the event someone from the press corps asks a question she deems inappropriate or unnecessary. But for a president to promote extreme violence against private citizens simply because of their profession is beyond unacceptable. Especially when those private citizens’ jobs are to be the watchdogs of said president and his administration. You won’t find hateful responses from the media regarding the incident. Rather, the journalists in attendance covered the event fairly and with objectivity. Even afterward, the soon-to-be Commander-in-Chief said he wouldn't mind if these people were shot if it saved him. People who are parents, siblings, cousins, and fellow Americans. Unfortunately, this rhetoric will soon become the norm in the United States, not only for journalists but for any who oppose Trump. That’s why, journalists, the time is now. The only way we can get through four years and still be considered the land of the free is if the press holds Trump accountable. Even in times where his comments could be considered “off the cuff” or bluffs, Trump has shown his quick temperament and willingness to defeat anyone who opposes him. For the next four years Trump’s administration should be reported on with precision, accuracy, and objectivity without fear of a White House retaliation. Anything coming out of the 47th presidency is news and can be reported on. Do not live in fear of what you are reporting - you might just save the country from a president who has 34 felony convictions. While I urge journalists to constantly report on the Trump administration and exercise their right to free speech - it is important to make the distinction between hate speech and free speech. Hate speech - attacks. And is used to harm another person or threaten someone or an entity such as the press. Trump uses hate speech constantly to get across to his supporters who argue he is exercising the right to free speech. We have a right to say what we want, but not whatever we want. We, the press, should never promote or use hate speech in writing or reporting the news. Reporting the news should not be used as a platform to comment on the presidency - leave that to editorial writers. Rather, it should be used as an outlet to protect citizens who now live in fear of the next four years.

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