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Gatepost Interview: Wendy Davis, office manager at career services

Mark Wadland

Cesareo Contreras/THE GATEPOST

By Mark Wadland

Please describe your resume and background

I graduated from UMass Amherst and I was a communications major, and my passion is

communicating, whether it be through media or interpersonal. I also hold a master of science degree from Simmons College in business communications management. I attended The University of Hawaii on an exchange program (as part of the domestic exchange program at UMass). So, my first few jobs out of college were at a couple of radio stations and television stations in the Boston area, and then I segued into being a stay-at-home mom for a few years, and then I started back in the work force back at Framingham State University, about which I’m thrilled.

Prior to working at FSU, did you have a favorite job?

I think WMJS radio was my favorite job because I was the promotion and marketing director and it allowed me to do such a variety of responsibilities that no day was ever the same. I interacted with so many different constituents that it was invigorating every single day I went to work. But I End I’m the same way here. I’m so invigorated – my passion for people is being fulfilled by being at Career Services now because I’m interacting with all different kinds of people in the same vein, so I find it just as fulfilling and exciting.

What are some of your hobbies and interests outside of work?

I’ve been in a book group. Reading is my passion, as well as writing. But, I’ve been in a book group for 21 years with the same friends, and that’s one of my favorite things to do. I’m an avid walker. I have a golden retriever and I walk her a few hours every day, so walking is a pastime, reading, and just taking care of my family.

Going back to your book club, do you all meet once a week or once a month?

We meet once a month, and there are about 12 women in it – all the same 12 women have been there the 21 years. We rotate houses and we provide food and beverages, and we socialize and we talk about the book for a couple of hours. And it’s just a wonderful feeling to be connected with women in a different vein than just at work. So it’s just a nice outlet.

Do you have any advice for students?

Come to the Career Services office the second you walk on Framingham State University’s campus because Career Services is the most unique office I’ve ever worked at, in terms of it can help somebody from Day 1 through alumni status. And what I’m learning, only being there for the past month, is that it could help you at every age and stage of your time on campus here. So, that would be my advice. Come to Career Services and Employer Relations office. And read The Gatepost faithfully because having worked at The Gatepost prior to Career Services, I see such an incredible value in The Gatepost because it notices you of things, it explains things to you, it offers you insight into various issues that you might not have thought of – especially the editorial component. I find that The Gatepost is a well-written, well-

thought out publication that deserves everybody’s attention.

What was your favorite undergraduate experience?

My favorite experience as an undergraduate was my internship opportunity at WBZTV/4 because I learned more in six months of working in my field than, in theory, the four years of classes. It was just a different kind of learning, but it opened my eyes up to what a profession was really like, as opposed to book-learning. So, my favorite experience was doing my internship. It was full-time. I went and lived at home. I worked 40 hours a week. And I got a semester’s worth of full credit after writing some papers and doing some work that I had to do for a professor. And it took the place of my whole five classes – working a 40-hour week for an entire semester.

Did you prefer the internship over classes?

I didn’t prefer it over the academics. I think it was a perfect blend because I had some incredible classes. One of my most favorite classes was called Madness in Literature, and I just loved every book we read. And I took a women’s studies course called Women in Literature, and I loved that one. And then my other favorite course – I had three – was Utopias and Anti-utopias. So, I had three really wonderful classes that I can call to mind, and those were as fabulous to me as my internship was. It was just a different experience.

What’s your favorite part of working at Framingham State?

The enthusiasm of the students. The diverse students. Everybody is welcoming and everybody is kind and everybody is thoughtful and polite. Everybody wants to succeed and it’s just invigorating.

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