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Couch Boys present: Oscar Predictions

Brennan Atkins

Brennan Atkins

Staff Writer

Actor in a Leading Role

What we predict:

Joaquin Pheonix

While there may be flaws in the film “Joker,” one thing which must be commended is the level of dedication Joaquin Phoenix put into his role. The Joker has proved to be a hard character to play throughout film history, but Phoenix was able to create a grounded, damaged character without making it seem unrealistic.

What we want:

Adam Driver

Adam Driver’s role as Charlie in “Marriage Story” may not be a deadbeat clown whose life brings nothing but tragedies and violence, but Driver brings something different – Humanity. Charlie is a realistic look at a man in a crumbling marriage whose life is breaking down right before his eyes. One may not agree with everything he does, but you can’t help but feel heartbroken for him every second of the film, simply due to how genuine he’s portrayed. He’s human.

Actress in a Leading Role

What we predict:

Saoirse Ronan

Saoirse Ronan’s role as Jo March was not only an amazing casting choice, but just may be the role Ronan was born to play. In many ways, Ronan is given the task of playing a new artist, someone who is born to create, but is placed in a time where women weren’t given as many opportunities as men. Her ability to capture emotion so effortlessly on screen must be applauded, and her outbursts genuinely took the breath out of audiences’ mouths.

What we want:

Scarlett Johansson

Adam Driver doesn’t hold up “Marriage Story” on his own, a broken marriage takes two, and Driver is wonderfully backed up by Scarlett Johansson. Scarlett’s character, Nicole, is in the same seemingly hopeless situation as Driver’s character. She makes a lot of tough calls throughout the film in a desperate attempt to get something her way for a change. The choices she makes create the 5lm’s main conflicts, and she can barely stand the ramifications, holding back her tears to the best of her ability.

Best Picture

What we predict:


“1917” is interesting in the sense that it’s somewhat experimental. The 5lm is presented as a one shot, but in actuality, it’s just masterful editing. The amazing set designs of the trenches, and “No Man’s Land,” are some of the best depicted in 5lm to date. It really shows why many people consider WWI to be the most horrific war in human history.

What we want:

Bong Joon-Ho’s latest film “Parasite” deserves to receive the award for best picture. As cliché as it may sound, “Parasite” was a legitimate movie experience. The pacing of the film really lets the viewer settle in. Then, Joon-Ho strikes audiences with a detail that will lead them to their edge of their seats – resulting in a conclusion unlike any other. While this film certainly deserves the Oscar for best foreign film, its masterful craftsmanship should be recognized as one of, if not, the best of the whole year. It’s every bit as entertaining as it is eye-catching and ominous. “Parasite” demands your attention, and the film earns it.

Best Director

What we predict:

Sam Mendes

We believe best director may go to Sam Mendes because “1917” achieves world-building unlike any other war film. Mendes actually films two British soldiers walking in between major events, and there’s something about our two heroes trudging around in the dark brown mud that is also horrifying – this is their reality. Mendes ultimately knew how to show WWI in a way that brought out the most terrifying aspects of the war without just showing a violent shoot-out or gory battle. Living in the trenches, watching dogfights from afar, and having a sense of uselessness are just some examples of this inescapable horror.

What we want:

“Quentin Tarantino

“Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” is not only a celebration of film itself – it also shows how directors can evolve. Tarantino has always been at the forefront of new, innovative ways to tell stories, and he accomplishes exactly that once again. Much like his other films, the soundtrack is near perfect, with covers of popular ’60s songs throughout the many scenes in-and-around Hollywood Hills. Many know Tarantino for his beloved, nonlinear style of storytelling, but this film goes for more of a traditional three-act structure. This was somewhat exciting, albeit normal from any other director, just due to the fact you knew Tarantino was holding onto something special for the third act – and yes. Yes, he was.

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