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Candidates for the Student GovernmentAssociation spring elections

Writer's picture: Leighah BeausoleilLeighah Beausoleil

Leighah Beausoleil

Staff Editor

Students announced campaigns for SGA and Class Officer positions before presenting speeches on why they are running during a Zoom meeting held April 14.

Elections will open on Ramlink for students to cast votes April 15 at 9 a.m. and will close April 17 at 3 p.m.

SGA President candidate:

Olivia Beverlie:

“I’ve been involved with SGA since the fall of my freshman year. It’s one of the clubs that I had my heart set out on getting involved with. I have a really big passion for student advocacy, and if elected, I promise to continue that. I’d also like to bring more speakers to campus, and I think that next year we’re definitely going to be able to do a lot more of those more engaging activities around diversity and inclusion, with a new diversity inclusion officer, and also because, you know, funding isn’t going to take up as much of our time. I really want to focus on bringing people to campus, but also working more on our student advocacy side of it.”

SGA Vice President candidates:

Abigail Salvucci:

“In the past, SGA hasn’t always had the best reputation on campus. One of my goals this year was to rebuild that relationship with the student organizations again. But just because the foundation’s done doesn’t mean that the job is complete. As VP next year, I would hope to continue the initiatives that I’ve been working on, and trying to solidify SGA’s role on campus.”

Matt O’Sullivan:

“I’d really like to pick off where I left sophomore year and create more campus engagement. One of the things that I kind of focused on was on the Climate Action Plan on our campus, which we do have, but I feel is a little lacking in some areas. I feel that would be one of my main initiatives, to basically create a more carbon neutral campus, per se. And also, foster a sense of engagement within the community.”

Student Trustee candidate:

McKenzie Ward:

“It’s my first year on SGA and my Orst year at Framingham state, and I really fell in love with advocating for student rights. Really advocating for student rights has now made me want to go into education law. So, I think really using this position Student Trustee to be the voice for Framingham state, not only for students, but residents students, commuter students, and also the faculty and staff, and Board of Trustees meetings would be really great, you know, it’d be really awesome way to get more involved on campus and help students. So, that’s why I want to be student trustee next year”

SATF Treasurer candidate: Open position.

SGA Secretary candidate:

Alexis Kays:

“I served as secretary this past year and I really loved the position. I am really comfortable in the position because I was able to get super organized in attendance and minute taking. I think I’m really outgoing and able to serve a student body to the best of my ability. But I want to keep growing with that student advocacy portion of the role, and I just really hope that you consider me to be on the eBoard of SGA for next year.”

SGA Outreach and Events Coordinator candidates:

Mariah Farris:

“I’ve put on small scale events. I’ve put on large scale events that attract students from all backgrounds on campus. ... I think that the school puts a lot of funds into student engagement which is amazing, but I think we end up missing a big portion of those students because we don’t focus on a lot of the other things that people may be interested in. The school is now extremely diverse, and I want the eBoard and the events that we plan to highlight that.”

Emma Sullivan:

“This past year was my first year on SGA, and I joined the outreach and events committee. I absolutely loved it. I thought it was so fun, and I loved to see behind the scenes of how we get people together and have events and planning. It was so fun, and I loved it. If I get elected, I want to expand on the weeks of kindness that we had this year. I thought those were really great to spread positivity on campus.”

SGA Senator candidates:

Ewnie Fedna:

“Being part of SGA, so far, has been exactly what I’ve expected, like seeing clubs and talking about different things on campus. It has just kind of enticed my interest even more. ... I’ve learned how to balance out my different hats. ... Doing that and being part of SGA feel like this is like another group of people – another community – to be a part of, and another perspective to see the campus from and to kind of like give back to my community in the sense.”

Paola Bilbraut:

“I joined SGA last fall, and it was the best decision I made. I’ve grown as a student leader, and as an individual, and as a student. ... I would love to continue helping and being part of the changes that can and will happen in the future of the University because some students at FSU don’t really like it, and I just want to keep on bringing this diversity inclusion that we have.”

Mark Haskell:

“I just like helping people all together. I’ve had a past history of helping people, but it’s been the most enjoyable thing that I’ve ever done. ... SGA has helped that even more for me.”

Efrain Vega: Not present.

Danielle Shaw: Not present.

Class of 2021 President candidates:

Matt O’Sullivan:

“I’m a fan of planning events. I feel like planning events – and basically community eVorts for our class – in general, is a really a big plus going forward. And I think we as the Class of 2021, we may be facing some struggles graduating, given the current state of the world. But I think that we need to basically advocate for preparedness. And, you know, just to make our transition from college life into essentially the real world, as painless as possible.”

Abigail Salvucci:

“As class of 2021 President, I would make sure that senior voices are heard, respected and represented. For me the role of President is so much more than just the title. It’s the eVort to make sure that our senior year is actually worth it. I’ve done the work to build up the community and as President, I would have the resources to make sure that this work is actually being respected and that our voices and our needs are being heard.”

Class of 2021 Vice President candidate:

Evannia McField:

“I also think it’s important. Like Abby had said, that we prepare the senior class to actually be out there

in the real world and make sure that we’re ready to Ond internships and jobs. I think it’s also important

that we have diVerent events and diVerent activities that the senior class can do together.”

Class of 2021 Treasurer candidate: Open position.

Class of 2021 Secretary candidate: Open position.

Class of 2022 President candidate: Open position.

Sam Collette:

“So for the past year, I got to serve as president and it was really great. ... I’m an RA and an orientation leader, too. It’s nice to have all different perspectives for my class and let people know about the different corners of campus that, you know, you might not hear about all the time. I would just want to keep chugging along, keep going with that role, and hopefully it goes well.”

Class of 2022 Vice President candidate:

Efrain Vega: Not present.

Class of 2022 Treasurer candidate: Open position.

Class of 2022 Secretary candidate: Open position.

Class of 2023 President candidate:

Malik Martin:

“Of my time as president currently in last semester I made it my goal to create interpersonal

relationships, not only with the scholars, but also other professionals on campus I can serve as a network for my inquiries and other inquiries of the scholars that I serve. And as you know my class was the most diverse class in the history of FSU and I take pride in being able to be a part of that. ... Everyone who comes to Framingham State has the opportunity to live to their own truth and succeed.”

Class of 2023 Vice President candidate:

Faith Hensley: “I’ve never really been a part of a club or anything like this. So, I think this would be a really good opportunity for me to reach out to my Class of 2023. As vice president, I’ll work alongside the president and help make everyone’s voice heard.”

Class of 2023 Treasurer candidate: Open position.

Class of 2023 Secretary candidate: Open position.

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