By Lindsay Nixon
SGA senators discussed overnight student parking and Wi-Fi in dorms at the meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 28.
Senator Mike O’Brien suggested allowing resident students to park at the Salem End and Maynard parking lots after the RamTram stops running at 2 a.m.
“I feel like as long as they can move their cars back by 7 a.m., they should be able to leave their cars there for safety concerns,” O’Brien said.
Senator Adam Scanlon brought up the ongoing Wi-Fi issue throughout the campus dorms.
He suggested conducting a survey concerning which buildings on campus have the strongest Wi-Fi and times with most available bandwidth.
Senator Fallon Soye said she received an email from the IT Department explaining that recent
improvements have been made to West Hall’s Wi-Fi.
In other news, the Anime Club received $4,381.25 for an upcoming Anime Boston event on Friday, March 31. The money will cover the ticket prices and transportation.
Club president Kelsey Garavanian said, “We want this to be an open event to everyone.”
M.I.S.S. was granted $2,943 for prizes and food for their upcoming M.I.S.S. Carnival. The money will be used for key chains, T-shirts, crewneck shirts and food.
This event will be held on Friday, March 24.
Student activities trust fund treasurer Sarah Horwitz, led the review of the new Model United Nations Club’s Constitution, which was approved.
Senator Hailey Small announced FSU is looking to open a food pantry. “We are currently looking at space for it,” she said.
Scanlon also announced that his task force team within the Strategic Planning Committee is looking to reform the current class registration process.
President Ezequiel De Leon also expressed his feelings about the SGA’s performance at the Big Budget meeting held last Friday. “You guys were amazing during Big Budget. It was such a good feeling at 3 a.m. to think about how great of a show it was and to see you guys advocate for the campus,” he said.
Senator Martin Conley passed the U-Rock to Horwitz for her work at the Big Budget meeting.