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Framingham State's award-winning independent student newspaper since 1932

Raena Doty
Sep 22, 2023
Support teachers to support students
By Raena Doty Editorial Staff As someone working toward a minor in secondary education, I notice deeply what teachers say about students...

Leighah Beausoleil
Apr 23, 2020
Living and learning at home
Leighah Beausoleil Asst. News Editor For many, it was the first time they saw Executive Vice President Dale Hamel not dressed in a suit....
Jillian Poland
Feb 17, 2017
FSU students receive national award for social action
By Jillian Poland Two FSU students received the national Undergraduate Social Action Award from Sociologists for Women in Society (SWS)...
Kaila Braley
Dec 12, 2014
Coming to terms with rape: One student’s journey toward understanding
By Kaila Braley Jane jolted awake in a bed that wasn’t hers. She couldn’t remember having fallen asleep. Startled, her first thought was,...
Lauren Campbell
Oct 11, 2014
FSU students share the stories behind their tattoos
By Lauren Campbell As sophomore geography major Anna Reynolds walks into the Natick Mall to start her shift at work, she notices people...

Cassandra Russo
Apr 3, 2014
Opinion: Students – you can make a difference
By Cassandra Russo In my four years at FSU, I can’t keep track of the number of times I have heard students say how much they hate it at...

Mark Wadland
Feb 22, 2014
Opinion: This drives me bananas
By Mark Wadland It has recently come to my attention that some students are taking pictures of other students eating a banana, posting...

Kaila Braley
Dec 6, 2013
FSU to increase faculty, slow growth
By Kaila Braley An initiative to create a lower student to faculty ratio over the next two academic years is a two-fold plan, according...
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