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Framingham State's award-winning independent student newspaper since 1932

Lizzy Stocks
Nov 16, 2018
Insulin should not cost diabetics their lives
By Lizzy Stocks November is Diabetes Awareness Month, so I’d like to call attention to the life-threatening cost of insulin for Type 1...

Editorial Board
Nov 16, 2018
Change our voting laws
The Gatepost Editorial Board The midterm elections were fraught with division, rampant misinformation, and blatant lies. Perhaps even...

Nadira Wicaksana
Nov 16, 2018
There’s still work to be done
Nadira Wicaksana There’s a popular bumper sticker that states, “A woman’s place is in the House and Senate.” Whenever I see it on the...

Thom Duda
Nov 16, 2018
In response to McConnell
By Thom Duda In an op/ed titled “Sen. Mitch McConnell: ‘Will Dems work with us, or simply put partisan politics ahead of the country?’”...

Editorial Board
Nov 9, 2018
Be the wave
By The Gatepost Editorial Board While the midterm elections may not have turned the tides in your favor, bringing about the blue or red...

Thom Duda
Nov 9, 2018
They chose unwisely
Thom Duda This past weekend in California, Activision-Blizzard held its 12th annual BlizzCon and managed to kick the hornet’s nest that...

Editorial Board
Nov 5, 2018
Clash of the opinions: Yes on Question 3
The Gatepost Editorial Board On Nov. 6, the Massachusetts transgender anti-discrimination law is up for repeal. And for the most part,...

Editorial Board
Nov 5, 2018
Take anti-Semitism seriously
The Gatepost Editorial Board Eleven people were murdered at the Tree of Life Congregation in Pittsburgh on Oct. 27. This tragedy marks...

Thom Duda
Oct 26, 2018
They’re not the same
Thom Duda As the midterm elections draw closer, there’s something that needs to be revisited – recent events demand it. We have former...

Andrew Willoughby
Oct 26, 2018
Trump hates trans people
Andrew Willoughby On Oct. 21, the New York Times reported that, under President Donald Trump, the Department of Health and Human Services...

Jillian Poland
Oct 26, 2018
No on Question 2
By Jillian Poland Background on Question 2: [Question 2 is a response to the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision. This ruling...

Evan Lee
Oct 13, 2018
Counterpoint Columbus
By Evan Lee On Oct. 8, we celebrated Columbus Day in honor of the man who discovered America, proved Earth is round, and ushered in a new...

Lizzy Stocks
Oct 12, 2018
Lifetime of disappointment
By Lizzy Stocks The United States is the only democracy that grants lifetime appointments to the highest court of the land, and it’s a...

Editorial Board
Oct 5, 2018
Out of sight, out of mind
The Gatepost Editorial Board Since the 2016 election, and long before then, the news spotlight has been swinging wildly from one issue to...

Thom Duda
Oct 5, 2018
China is cracking down on good communists
By Thom Duda Over the weekend, the New York Times published a story about student protests going on in China and the subsequent...

Editorial Board
Sep 28, 2018
More resources for Rams
The Gatepost Editorial Board This week, the Rams Resource Center (RRC) opened. Do you know what that is? If not, you aren’t alone. FSU...

Gordon Rupert
Sep 28, 2018
Into the wild, starry yonder
By Gordon Rupert There has been a lot of talk about the newly proposed Space Force in the last few months. Most of it is against the idea...

Thom Duda
Sep 22, 2018
Trump will never get it
Thom Duda This month, the estimated death count for Hurricane Maria was roughly 3,000 in Puerto Rico due to several factors, and some of...

Editorial Board
Sep 14, 2018
Stand together
The Gatepost Editorial Board As we enter into a new academic year, we at The Gatepost would like to take a moment to focus on what can be...

Lizzy Stocks
Sep 14, 2018
Dousing the flames of ignorance
By Lizzy Stocks From football fanatics to political enthusiasts, many are setting their Nike apparel ablaze. Controversial football star...
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