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Framingham State's award-winning independent student newspaper since 1932
Phil McMullin
Oct 14, 2016
Don’t punch the Donald
Phil McMullin Opinions Editor Apparently, Robert De Niro really dislikes Donald Trump. Earlier this month, De Niro made a video in which...

Mike Ferris
Sep 18, 2016
I stand (or kneel) with Colin
Mike Ferris Sports Editor Colin Kaepernick has been in the headlines for what seems like every day for the last couple weeks, but for a...

Bobby Murphy
Nov 10, 2015
Up all night to get unlucky
By Bobby Murphy For college students, sometimes seeing the sunrise is less of a beautiful moment and more an indicator that you’ve...

Avarie Cook
Apr 18, 2014
Opinion: Powell shares powerful poetry
By Avarie Cook When a student asked Douglas A. Powell (D.A. Powell) what advice he would give to those in the LGBTQ community who are...

Cassandra Russo
Apr 14, 2014
Opinion: One year later – We are still Boston Strong
By Cassandra Russo Tuesday, April 15, marks the 5rst anniversary of last year’s Boston Marathon bombings, resulting in three fatalities...

Cassandra Russo
Apr 4, 2014
Opinion: Students – you can make a difference
By Cassandra Russo In my four years at FSU, I can’t keep track of the number of times I have heard students say how much they hate it at...

Avarie Cook
Apr 4, 2014
Opinion: Power to the Pussy
By Avarie Cook Lady Flower. Cooch. Mu2. Beaver. Honey Pot. Poontang. Pussy. Rosebud. Snatch. Twat. Whispering Eye: all euphemisms for a...

Avarie Cook
Mar 1, 2014
Opinion: Recognizing Black History Month
By Avarie Cook Not many people know what it feels like to grow up without a defined culture. However, this is something that African...

Mark Wadland
Mar 1, 2014
Opinion: My verdict – her dignity remains intact
By Mark Wadland The issue of probity (i.e. the idea that people who watch pornography are evil or immoral) has been tossed back and forth...

Avarie Cook
Feb 22, 2014
Opinion: Don’t be afraid to have The Talk
By Avarie Cook As a “mixed” or “alternative” minority on this campus, I have a lot of trouble blending in (Not that sticking out is a bad...

Mark Wadland
Feb 22, 2014
Opinion: This drives me bananas
By Mark Wadland It has recently come to my attention that some students are taking pictures of other students eating a banana, posting...

Mark Wadland
Feb 15, 2014
Opinion: Love is not in the air
By Mark Wadland Of all the “special” days celebrated in America – most notably Thanksgiving, Christmas and the 4th of July – Valentine’s...

Mark Wadland
Feb 8, 2014
Opinion: Privacy – that’s a good one
By Mark Wadland The notion of privacy was thrown out the window after Edward Snowden, a former technical assistant for the CIA, informed...
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