Emma LyonsMay 4, 2022NewsFSU and MassBay receive $600,000 grant for early college fundingBy Emma Lyons Editorial Staff Congresswoman Katherine Clark announced a new $600,000 grant given to FSU and MassBay to expand the...
Haley HadgeFeb 26, 2021NewsSGA has success with COVID-19 Care Bag ProjectHaley Hadge SGA approved an Onyx funding request for its Spring issue, participated in a Capital Planning exercise, and reflected on...
Leighah BeausoleilMar 6, 2020OpinionsDon’t get sick after fiveLeighah Beausoleil Staff Writer The Health Center’s hours of operation are not acceptable. It is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday...
Adé LasodéDec 7, 2018NewsSGA unable to vote because of lack of quorumAdé Lasodé “Two thirds” of SGA’s senate was absent at its Dec. 4 meeting, according to Parliamentarian Olivia Beverlie. The meeting began...
Molly DubrowskiApr 6, 2017NewsSGA approves funding to six different clubsBy Molly Dubrowski SGA allocated over $15,000 to six different clubs and organizations at its meeting on Tuesday, April 4. Brother 2...
Jennifer JohnsonMar 7, 2014NewsSGA funds student organizations for FY2015By Jennifer Johnson SGA senators have approved the budgets for FY2015 for their own organization, SUAB, The Gatepost, Hilltop, and WDJM....