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Framingham State's award-winning independent student newspaper since 1932

Andrew Willoughby
Feb 9, 2017
The Menzingers grow up with “After the Party”
By Andrew Willoughby In 2012, The Menzingers released “On the Impossible Past,” an infectious punk rock album that was a breath of fresh...

Andrew Willoughby
Nov 12, 2016
Balance and Composure embrace electronics on “Light We Made”
Andrew Willoughby Arts & Features Editor One of the most important aspects to any musical act is evolution. It’s easy to overdo, change...

Andrew Willoughby
Oct 7, 2016
Clipping goes intergalactic with “Splendor & Misery”
Andrew Willoughby Arts & Features Editor At it’s core, hip-hop has always been about storytelling. Unfortunately, in the past couple of...

Tessa Jillson
Sep 23, 2016
Is it truly a “Wild World?”
Bastille released their much-anticipated third album in September. (Bastille) Tessa Jillson Staff Writer Bastille has come a long way...

Cam Raia
Nov 13, 2015
Music review: Trevor Something’s “Death Dream” is a warm embrace of disillusioned dystopians
Courtesy of By Cam Raia Staff Writer In some Blade-Runner-type future, nighttime rain beats against the windshield of your...

Michael B. Murphy
Sep 18, 2015
Music Reviews: Radkey and Chvrches
Michael B. Murphy Editor In Chief Radkey, the young brotherly trio who hail from Missouri, make no attempts at hiding their influences on...

Kristen Pinto
Sep 17, 2015
Music Review: “Miley Cyrus & Her Dead Petz”
Courtesy of By Kristen Pinto Miley Cyrus simply doesn’t care what anyone thinks. If that has not become obvious to the...
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